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Writer's pictureFrontier Camp

“Gotcha Day”

Updated: Mar 6, 2022

Open Arms - 500

(Pictures taken from FC’s recent Open Arms retreat for adoptive and foster families)

“But when the fullness of the time came, God sent forth His Son, born of a woman, born under the Law, so that He might redeem those who were under the Law, that we might receive the adoption as sons.” –Galatians 4:4-5

Our family has been in the international adoption process for a few years. A bunch of laws have changed and things have been at a snail’s pace for some time. During this time we have had the opportunity to attend several conferences on adoption as well as get to know some families that have adopted. We’ve learned lots of neat, new terms such as “Waiting Child” and “Forever Family.”

My favorite term is “Gotcha Day.” This is the day that an adopted child joins the family permanently. In an international adoption this is often the day where you go before a judge in the child’s birth country and they complete the final step in the long journey of adoption. In fact, many families then celebrate this day as equivalent to a birthday. After all, it is the day that a child officially became a member of the family. A child comes home!

As we draw close to Christmas, I have come to see that Christmas Day is God’s “Gotcha Day.”  After all, this is a day where we celebrate Immanuel. God with us. The incarnation. God with meat.

Why did the God of the Universe send His only son from the opulent splendor of heaven to the mucked up stalls of an animal stable on earth? Well, it’s simple, “That we might receive the adoption as sons.”

God sent His one and only Son so that there could be the most splendid “Gotcha Day” ever. God wanted to take us out of the dominion of darkness and place us into the kingdom of His dear Son (Colossians 1:13).

God is still offering adoption into his Forever Family today. The steps are much more simple than an adoption process here on earth. What are those steps to celebrating a “Gotcha Day” with God?

  1. Admit that you have a sin problem (Romans 3:23)

  2. Understand that Jesus Christ paid for that sin problem with his Death and Resurrection (2 Corinthians 5:21)

  3. Make it personal. Ask God to cover your sin problem with Christ’s payment of your sin. (John 3:16)

If you have done this, then you are part of God’s forever family. I’m looking forward to celebrating “Gotcha Day” with you on December 25.

Merry Christmas.

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