Greetings, friends and family, from Jacob’s Well!
Day 2 of camp was a success with continued great weather. The Lord has answered our prayers and held the rain, and we are grateful! Two activity periods were held in the morning and a Bible drama before lunch. Another two activity stations were visited by the campers with an additional Bible drama and singing time in the afternoon. Bible dramas are a continuation of the life of Elijah each day with the following big ideas: God’s provision, God’s power, God’s presence, and God’s judgment of sin. The children are really enjoying our American drama team act out the stories as Haitian program director, Peter Marc, reads the text in Creole. Tomorrow’s drama will be led by Haitian counselors, which will be a real treat! Our activities are: sports led by Jenny and Dan, F.C. baseball/whiffle ball led by Kaylie, Robert, and Karis, Pit ball – Sarah and Deborah, Steal the Bacon – Will and Natalyn, Archery – Jimmy and Tomas, Riflery – Gillian and Zach, Crafts – Amanda and Ashlyn, Bible Memory – Anhel and Kate. Work projects are being led by Konrad, Gabe, Jack, and Hans, and our floaters are Autumn, Hans, Greta, and Kate. Everyone is working hard serving the Lord and displaying great attitudes continuously! Parents, you should be very proud of your kids! They are doing an amazing job at being flexible and joyful in all circumstances.
We continue to be fed extremely well, and most of us are in good health. Pray for Deborah Valcin who is a little under the weather and a painful neck strain that is already doing better this evening. Please also pray for our big generator, which is inoperable due to a failed starter. Without this generator, we cannot weld which is necessary for one of our major projects. We also planned to train some Haitians in welding so that they can use the welder we brought for them to keep here at camp. Pray for the salvation of campers as they are hearing the Gospel clearly presented daily.
It’s time to skype our youngest daughter, Edie, so I will say goodnight. Thank you for continuing to support us through your prayers. Goodnight and God Bless!