Kelly Holden and his family joined the FC family in January all the way from Ohio! Kelly joins us as our Marketing Manager and Assistant Junior Camp Director. Be sure to keep an eye out for him and his family this summer and say hi!
Tell us about your family and where you are from:
My wife, Haley, and I grew up in Southeastern Wisconsin. We met at a Christian Summer Camp when we were both serving as seasonal retreat staff and summer staff. Despite neither of us thinking we’d meet our future spouse at camp, the Lord led our relationship to marriage. We have one daughter, Shawna, who will be 5 years old at the end of May. Since getting married, the Lord has given us many opportunities to see and work at different camps across the country – Wisconsin, Southern California, Colorado, and Ohio, to name a few.
How did you get into camp ministry?
In high school, I thought I wanted to get into Computer Science. I had never even thought about working in children’s ministry. The summer after I graduated, my neighbor who was the children’s pastor at a local church, asked me if I would consider working as a counselor at the church’s day camp. I will never forget the feeling on that first day of camp of seeing the 400+ campers descend upon the church’s parking lot – I was definitely questioning what I had gotten myself into! But day after day, and week after week, I continued to fall more in love with it and getting to disciple children. As tired as I was, I couldn’t wait to go back every single day. I was hooked.
What is your favorite Bible verse/passage/story?
I always like to answer this question with this: Genesis 1:1 – Rev 22:21. But if I had to narrow it down, 2 Corinthians 5:21 – “[God] made Him who knew no sin to be sin on our behalf, so that we might become the righteousness of God in Him.” Here Paul is speaking about double imputation…Christ not only takes our debit, but we also get His credit! Oh, what comfort it is to rest in the knowledge that not only did Christ take my sins on Himself, but that it is His righteousness, and not my own, that will save me on the day of atonement.
What are your hobbies/what do you like to do in your free time?
My family loves to get outside, go on hikes, and play in the beauty of the Lord’s creation. I’m also an avid computer/technology tinkerer, and thoroughly enjoy reading and talking theology.
