Greetings, friends, family, and faithful supporters!
It has been an eventful day and a half since we all met at Rock Creek Baptist in Crowley on Thursday afternoon. Let me first say that we are all safely here at Jacob’s Well and have just finished an incredible spaghetti meal with spicy Haitian Cole slaw and chocolate cake for dessert. YUM!! We were blessed by the outpouring of hospitality and help provided by Rock Creek, the Joyner families, Tomas Johnson, and Sophie Brantley, including packing expertise, dinner last night, a place to sleep, rides to the airport, and hot French press coffee at 3:15 a.m. that helped fuel us through a pretty rigorous morning.
Due to misinformation on the airline website and last minute gate changes, as well as hold ups on checking our bag with the BB guns, our team had to run hard to make our departure. We enjoyed a relaxed layover in Miami with the first installment of our study of Exodus led by Hans. In Exodus 1, we see the drawing back of a curtain of silence from God of 400 years. Pharaoh is scared by the increasing number of Hebrews and devises strategies to diminish their power. Up against God’s divine protection and sovereign plan, his attempts fall flat.
Boarding our plane in Miami, we experienced a notable cultural shift which continued on throughout landing in Cap Haitien and entering the Cap airport. On the bright side, we didn’t have our suitcases opened or pay an entry tax; we are, however, missing 1/3 of our suitcases. Please pray that they arrive tomorrow as many time-sensitive supplies are missing. We know that God knows exactly what we need, and we are trusting Him to provide.
The chaos of the airport and the delays caused by missing bags (most Haitians in the airport were missing bags too) as well as slow going from recent flooding and washed out roads caused us to arrive well after dark at Jacob’s Well. The team was enthusiastic in spite of the craziness and exhaustion, singing most of the way here. What a great group of godly young people you have sent to serve here in Haiti!
We have cleaned up from supper, unpacked the bags that we do have, moved into our cabins, and are just about to have our second Bible study with Hans. Tonight we are seeing that the faith of Jocabed in Yahweh is followed by well-planned action as well as quite a bit of risk to save her baby, Moses. May our faith lead us to the actions that God has preordained for us!
Pray for good rest tonight and that the missing suitcases will arrive tomorrow in a timely fashion. Tomorrow will be spent helping Betty decorate the pavilion for a wedding reception as well as prepping for campers to be on site on Monday. Most of our wedding decor is in the missing suitcases, so, please pray for us! Thank you for all you have done and are continuing to do to help make this mission possible.
For his Glory alone, Bon Nwit (good night) HAITI 13 TEAM