Hello, again!
Today was a beautiful day… No rain and just enough clouds to make it quite tolerable. Hard-HARD day of work included FINISHING the wiring for the well! It got hooked to the solar panels right at dusk and everyone was VERY happy to have that project done! Another project included getting the tankless water heater (which came down to Jacob’s Well with the Haiti-5 team but has never been hooked-up to propane) working, with the purchase of a large propane tank and some tweaking of mechanics of the system. Tonight, after supper, the first warm showers were taken… However, the girls’ shower lost everything warm as soon as the guys started-up… Could you hear the screaming!!?? 🙂
Several of the team took a large tarp down into the village to re-roof the church where services will be in the morning. It’s on nice-and-snug. Of course, a trip into the village arouses all the children, so after the roofing was done, an impromptu play-day took place. They played tag and duck-duck-goose with about 50-75 children.
The Ga-Ga pits are mostly done… They look terrific!… All painted and hinged-together and ready-to-go. More work on the pathways today, too, plus continued work on getting the medical supplies organized, AND, of course, getting ready for CAMP on Monday!
We’ll be meeting together again in 30 min to continue our study of King Saul. Last night we noted that, when he was “privately” named as king, he was scared and hid amongst the baggage… Although we found that to be very strange, we also noted that WE often are afraid of what God has called us to do… Roles that God has for us that we think we cannot possibly do, so instead of trusting God to enable us and trusting His promises to be with us always, we, too, tend to cower and shrink-away from what God desires of us. This week, I am sort-of an observer… Oh, I’m doing my share of work, and the team is amazingly welcoming and encouraging, but I am new to this and am enjoying seeing how God is doing amazing things through this team. He has chosen each one (of us) for this trip, and each has responded in trust and confidence to follow and do what God has for us this week, using the variety of talents and “bents” and working together like a well-greased-wheel. Even when we feel inadequate or fearful, God is proving Himself to be right there with us, carrying us along! He doesn’t “need” our help here in Haiti, but He is using willing individuals to bring glory to His name here. What a thrill to be a part of it!
So, tomorrow is the Lord’s Day… We’ll be attending church, taking a rest from our “work” and possibly joining the revival meeting that the folks from Hill Country Bible Church are organizing. Monday starts CAMP… So be in prayer about that!
More tomorrow. We love you, love that you have sent us to this place, and love that we have trusted God and followed His prompting to come to Haiti.
Blessings to each of you,
Mama G’eta (AKA Karin Monson)