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Writer's pictureFrontier Camp

Haiti 7, January 2012: Thursday Update

Updated: Mar 6, 2022

From the Haiti Team:

Greetings from Haiti! We’re just finishing-up day #2… It’s been another rainy day but also a busy day of work-projects and other activities… Personal devos were before the breakfast of pumpkin soup and pbj-type sandwiches… Plus fresh-squeezed grapefruit juice… Very yummy! Work assignments were decided and everyone got a great start on their specific projects.  Projects included working on the pathways around camp (filling in muddy spots with large rocks and sand,) organizing the “depot” where all the supplies are kept, organizing a play-day for the late-afternoon in the village, planning the three days of (day)camp for next week and training the Haitian leaders who will be the counsellors, writing scripts for the dramas that will be done at camp, deciding which crafts will be done during camp, and doing just a whole lot of odd-jobs around Jacob’s Well.

As always, the highlight of the day was playing with the village children from 3-5pm-ish… Football (soccer), relay races, and the children even taught us some of their unique rhyming games, etc.  Deborah Valcin helped translate as we played and interacted with the children and she was amazing in that role. I tried to send a couple of photos from my phone, but they did not go through.., it was a muddy mess but everyone had such fun… Everyone likes to have their pictures taken, too, so we’ll have lots to show when we return.

We just finished an excellent supper of the best beef we’ve ever tasted, followed with a Bible study led by Hans. We’re studying the life of King Saul… A rather odd person to perhaps be studying about, but the emphasis is on the fact that God chooses leaders and has a purpose in it, too.  For THIS week, we know that WE are all chosen by God to be here and doing the work He has laid-out for us to do. More on that another day (computer is almost out of juice.)

As a side-note, this is a great group! They work together well and encourage one another and laugh together and support each other. I am very impressed with their work ethic and comradery, and they are making an impact on those they are serving… Always with a good attitude! Thank you for sending your special children and family members to this place… They are representing you and Christ VERY well.

Blessings to all of you! Tomorrow is another busy day… It’s raining pretty hard right now, so we are hoping for that to stop soon… But God knows what’s best! Everyone is healthy, happy, exhausted, and has full tummies! Good night.

Love from Haiti,

“Mama G’eta” (which means Mama of Greta, which is how the children refer to me.)

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