Well, let me give you some good news on this oft-dreaded day: Phase 2 for Fossil Creek at Frontier Camp has been fully funded through pledges and already-received gifts! God has been so faithful and so many of you have responded generously to this opportunity. Thank you.
The Phase 2 goal was $900,000. A huge blessing came in the form of the J.E. and L.E. Mabee Foundation issuing us a challenge grant to fund the final 20% of this goal should we secure the 80% by the 30th of this month.
It has been said that God is never early and He is never late. He is always on time. This proved true and we are so blessed to have so many friends who are sensitive to the Lord’s leading on giving. Over 200 individual donors, companies and foundations have responded and done their part to meet this goal. Thank you once again.
Please continue to lift up the Fossil Creek project. Pray that the construction work will happen on time and within budget so that the camp can open it’s gates for summer 2014. While we are making that trek to the post office with tax return in hand, we can praise the Lord together for what He has done thus far at Frontier Camp.