In just a few days, families will gather around their dining room tables and hope that the table legs are sturdy enough to withstand the weight of turkey, stuffing, sweet potato casserole, and pies galore! But Thanksgiving is about more than food, family, fellowship, and football. We celebrate Thanksgiving as a reminder of God’s faithfulness and His provision.
Here in America, we sure have a lot of things to be thankful for. As followers of Christ who have been saved through His sacrifice, we have even more to be thankful for, and this is the perfect time of year to reflect on all the blessings we have received!
So I asked the full time staff and their families to each contribute a couple of items to a list of some of the things we’re thankful for this year. Here is some of it:
The chance to work in ministry full-time here at Frontier Camp
The stars in the night sky and living out in the country where I can see them every night
The beauty and variety of God’s creation
Children and grandchildren and grandchildren on the way! We’re thankful for kids in general—whether it’s the ones who live out here or who go to our church or come to summer camp or a retreat, life would be a lot more boring without kids in it.
God’s provision year after year to provide the staffers that we need for each summer, and the way He teaches us trust and patience through the process
Grace-based salvation—I would never make it on my own
All the people who helped to make Fossil Creek ready on time for summer camp—Volunteers, Donors, Family, VCB, etc.
Access to the Heavenly Father through Christ’s finished work on the cross
Camp’s prayer warriors and answered prayer
A warm fire in the fireplace on a cold night
A seemingly endless supply of camp’s hot chocolate 🙂
Camp summer staffers living for Jesus day in and day out on campuses
The pilgrims and our country’s forefathers who had the insight, wisdom, courage and fortitude to begin this country, and the freedom that we have in the U.S to worship God
Those who are living for Jesus in countries that don’t have our freedom and are experiencing persecution and yet continue to live for Christ
The coffee station at Frontier Camp. Coffee time is where I am able to open God’s Word and begin the day. It also is where I fellowship with other believers, whether staff or retreat campers. I am able to encourage and be encouraged through the fellowship of coffee time.
The cloud of witnesses in Hebrews 12:1
Being able to shoot stuff in my front yard
The FC camp family! Living and working closely with people who have the same values and beliefs is wonderful.
Peace even in the middle of difficult circumstances
Opportunities to travel to Haiti and grow and see how the Lord uses it to work in the lives of the staffers who go with us
Friends and Family who build me up and challenge me in my walk with the Lord.
Seeing lives impacted by Christ
And from the Camp Kids:
Good books
My teachers
Faith, Fun, Friends, and Food!
What are some things you are thankful for this year?