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Frontier Camp partners with Psalm68five Ministries to offer Timothy Week: a wonderful week of summer camp for the fatherless at Frontier Camp!

Most of us have fathers. They teach us life skills like how to tie a tie, how to drive a car, how to succeed at that job interview, how to follow God. But what about the millions of kids whose father is absent? The statistics tell us that many of them will grow up to become drug addicts, school drop-outs, alcoholics or teen suicide stories. We believe God has a better plan.

We are thankful to be able to provide a free camp experience to fatherless kids, so they can hear about their Heavenly Father and His love for them.

  • Hiring Process Timeline
    You submit an application. We email you a confirmation email once we’ve received/downloaded your application. This email will be sent to the email address associated with your account and will contain further instructions. Once we’ve received all the required reference forms, we will review your application and references. The confirmation email will explain how to proceed with setting up an interview with a Frontier Camp full-time staffer. Interviews can be done in one of three ways – in person, through a video ‘chat’ application such as Skype or Facebook video chat, and lastly, if neither an in-person nor video interview is possible, we can conduct them over the phone. Interviews last about 30-45 minutes on average.
  • Application & Hiring Dates
    Our summer staff application opens September 15 each year. The staff application remains open until all positions are filled (usually sometime in early to mid-spring). We strive to inform all staff applicants of hiring decisions within 4 weeks of the receipt of all required parts of the application process (electronic application, interview, reference(s), and reference follow-up). If at any point you would like an update on your application process, feel free to email our staff director at
  • Counselors Session Staff Positions (ages 17 and up)
    This is the job most think about when considering working at a Christian summer camp. Counselors are the ‘hands-on’ part of the camp staff and are responsible for the spiritual, physical, emotional, and social well being of 12-14 campers each week. Senior Counselor – Senior Counselors are responsible for directing the campers in their cabin living morning and evening. The Senior Counselor will be in charge of nightly cabin devotions and handling spiritual decisions made by the campers. The Senior Counselor will also teach a skill class activity during the day. When paired with a Junior Counselor, the Senior Counselor leads the Junior Counselor as they work together to lead their campers. When paired with another Senior Counselor, the two senior counselors work in a ‘co-counselor’ relationship and share the senior counselor responsibilities. Must be 18 years old or older and at least 1 year of college is preferred. Junior Counselor – Junior Counselors assist the Senior Counselor in all cabin responsibilities including directing the campers in their cabin living morning and evening, assisting with and occasionally leading cabin devotions under the direction and supervision of the senior counselor, and assisting with a recreational skill class each day. Must be 17 years old or older.
  • Work Crew (ages 16 and up)
    Work Crew Member – Works together under the direction of the Work Crew Leaders to accomplish daily tasks. Tasks include (but are not limited to) regular cleaning of meeting areas and restrooms, preparing and serving meals, washing dishes, participating in Bible Drama, setting up games, etc. Participates in daily seminars with a Full Time Staff member. Serves a 3-week Work Crew Term. Work Crew Wrangler – Works under the direction of the Wranglers to accomplish the horse program and horse maintenance. Primarily responsible for helping with horse maintenance (feeding, grooming, saddling, etc.) This position is a 3-week term.
  • Support Staff Session Staff Positions (ages 17 and up)
    Support Staff are an integral part of the Frontier Camp Christian community, and keep the camp running smoothly both in conducting our program and working behind the scenes. Some have more direct contact with campers than others, but all have the opportunity to daily interact with campers to some degree and all play a vital role in carrying out our Christian mission. Support Staff members need to have a servant’s heart, a strong work ethic, and to enjoy working with one another. Program Manager (PM)– Coordinates both the recreational and spiritual programs under the supervision of the Summer Camp Director and the Summer Staff Director. Leads the rest of the Program Team who all work together to accomplish the summer program. Is a servant leader to the campers and other summer staff members. Supervises summer staff in all program aspects. Must be 20 years old or older. Worship Leader (WL) – Responsible for organizing, performing, and leading the music program. Leads singing during daily afternoon worship and each evening during campfire. Manages the camp band (made up of other summer staff). Assists the Program Director with facilitating the summer camp program. Must be 18 years old or older and at least one year of college is preferred. Adventure Challenge Course Manager (ADV MGR, ACM) – Manages the challenge course elements and supervises summer ropes facilitators. Assists the Program Director with facilitating the summer camp program. Must be 18 years old or older and at least one year of college is preferred. Head Boat Driver/Cable Park Manager (HBD/CPM) – Supervises the boat drivers and/or the cable park operators. Assists in training other drivers and operators, oversees them during the summer, and teaches a skill class activity (waterskiing or wakeboarding or both). Assists the Program Director with facilitating the summer camp program. Must be 18 years or older and at least one year of college is preferred. Videographer – Responsible for the audio/visual/technical needs of the camp program. Takes and edits videos and photos to be used for various program and promotional needs, including creating a weekly camp video and compiling daily photos. Assists the Program Director with facilitating the summer camp program. Must be fluent with both Mac and PC as well as familiar with Final Cut Pro software. Must be 18 years old or older and at least one year of college is preferred. Photographer – Assists the Media Technician with the audio/visual/technical needs of the camp program. Takes and edits videos and photos to be used for various program and promotional needs, including creating a weekly camp video and compiling daily photos. Must be fluent with both Mac and PC as well as familiar with Final Cut Pro software. Must be 17 years old or older. Head Lifeguard (HLG) – Supervises the other lifeguards and maintains a safe environment in the swimming areas. Assists in training and supervising lifeguards, including coordinating daily staff schedule assignments. Assists the Program Director with facilitating the summer camp program. Must have a current lifeguard certification from a recognized provider and at least two years of lifeguard experience. Must be 18 years old or older and at least one year of college is preferred. Camp Store Manager (CSM) – Operates the camp store and snack shop smoothly and efficiently, including taking inventory and re-stocking, friendly sales to campers and parents, maintaining camper and staff financial records, and daily cleaning. Assists office staff in collecting camper and staff spending money on Sundays and returning unspent money to campers at the end of each week. Must be proficient in Microsoft Excel and able to quickly learn camp’s software system. Must be 18 years old or older and at least one year of college is preferred. Work Crew Leader (WCL) – Responsible for the discipleship and supervision of the Work Crew (see below for Work Crew Member details). Organizes and coordinates the Work Crew (12-14 members) to accomplish daily cleaning and program tasks. Is a self-starter, takes initiative, and is able to lead a daily Bible study for the Work Crew. Understands the primary focus of this position is the discipleship of the Work Crew Members. Must be 19 years old or older and at least one year of college is preferred. Head Wrangler – Develops and supervises the entire horse program, including leading/overseeing Horsemanship skill classes, trail rides, and the rodeo. Responsible for all horse and tack maintenance and the daily care/cleanliness of the barn, corral, and arena areas. Must be 18 years old or older and at least one year of college is preferred. Assistant Wrangler – Assists the Head Wrangler with supervising the horse program, including Horsemanship skill classes, trail rides, and the rodeo. Assists the Head Wrangler with all horse and take maintenance and the daily care/cleanliness of the barn, corral, and arena areas. Leads some of the Horsemanship classes. Must be 18 years old or older. Junior Wrangler – Assists both the Head and Assistant wranglers with the horse program and horse maintenance. Primarily responsible for horse maintenance (feeding, grooming, and saddling). Must be 17 years old or older. Activity Leader (AL) – Leads a recreational skill class activity and assists with behind-the-scenes tasks of the camp program. Helps with the daily set-up and tear-down of activities. Helps facilitate evening program activities and other tasks around camp such as cleaning the dining hall after meals. Will be trained in counseling responsibilities, as they are the “go-to” person when someone is needed to fill in for a counselor. Must be 18 years old or older and at least one year of college is preferred. Health Care Assistant (HCA) – Oversees and attends to the medical needs of campers and staff in accordance with the standing orders of the camp doctor and the Health Dept. of the State of Texas. Responsible to the Health Care Administrator and will receive First Responder certification from the American Red Cross. Must be 18 years old or older, have a current US driver’s license, and at least one year of college is preffered. Head Cook – Works closely with the Food Service Director to lead meal preparation and serving for their specific kitchen and camp program. Organizes and supervises all kitchen staff as they prepare and serve meals. Is capable of using or being trained to use the fryers, mixers, grill, and all other kitchen appliances. Must be 18 years old or older and previous camp kitchen experience is preferred. Assistant Cook (AC) – Assists the Food Service Director and Head Cooks with meal preparation and serving. Is capable of using or being trained to use the fryers, mixers, grill, and all other kitchen appliances. Assists in supervising the Kitchen Assistant and Work Crew Members in the kitchen. Must be 18 years old or older. Kitchen Assistant (KA) – Assists the Food Service Director, Head Cooks, and Assistant Cooks with meal preparation, serving, and cleaning. Serves directly under the supervision of an Assistant Cook. 17 years old or older is preferred. Head of Kitchen Maintenance (HKM) – Supervises all personnel involved in washing of utensils/dishes/glasses/kitchen equipment, mopping the kitchen and bathrooms regularly, and disposing of garbage (both from the kitchen and entire camp ground). Responsible for moving food and supplies to picnic areas for meals away from the dining hall as well as putting groceries in the proper storage areas when they arrive by truck. Must be 18 years old or older. Kitchen Maintenance Assistant (KMA) – Works under the direction of the Head of Kitchen Maintenance to stock food and clean kitchen equipment. Operates the dish washing machine after each meal and assures utensils/dishes/glasses are cleaned properly. Assists in organizing silverware, stacking dishes, and other duties as needed. 17 years old or older is preferred. Grounds/Maintenance Assistant – Works under the direction of one of our Full Time Maintenance Staff. Is a self-starter, shows initiative, and sees all tasks through to completion. No experience required, but must be a hard worker with an aptitude for mechanics and willingness to learn. Must be at least 18 years old in order to be trained to operate certain equipment.
  • Communication
    In order to free you and your campers from distractions and liability, cell phones and other media devices are not welcome at camp during the week. Staff electronics may only be used during weekend time off.
  • Staff Pay
    Starting salary for first-year staff: Work Crew Staff (high school-aged staffers ages 16+) – $120/week Junior Staff (high school-aged staffers ages 17+) – $160 -180/week Senior Staff (college-aged staffers) – $210 – $230/week An incentive for Wranglers, Kitchen, and Sr. Counselors is a $10 increase per week after the 5th week of work. For example, if Jennifer comes and works all Session 1 (5 weeks of work) at $220 per week, and then works 4 more weeks, her pay would be $230 (W6), $240 (W7), $250 (W8), and $260 (W4).
  • Safety
    The safety of our campers and staff is extremely important to us. To ensure the highest level of safety, all staff will follow Frontier Camp’s policies and procedures regarding child protection, curfew, vehicles, etc. Staff are prohibited from the use of alcoholic beverages, tobacco, or any dangerous drugs while camp is in session and during time off. If you are struggling with any issue that may keep you from safely performing your job please delay applying/working until you have experienced full healing. Frontier Camp has a Zero Tolerance policy with any form of child abuse. We report all allegations of abuse to the proper authorities.
  • Things to Know About Coming to Minister at Camp
    1 Corinthians 6:12-13 “All things are lawful for me,” but not all things are helpful. “All things are lawful for me,” but I will not be dominated by anything. “Food is meant for the stomach and the stomach for food”—and God will destroy both one and the other. The body is not meant for sexual immorality, but for the Lord, and the Lord for the body. One of the cool things about working at Frontier Camp is bond that develops between staff – the campers see Christ in us because we love each other (see John 17)! It takes an intentional focus on staff unity to achieve that, and you need to be pursuing Christ. You are his Ambassador (2 Cor 5:20), and Frontier Camp’s as well. As such, we trust you to “represent” well, and we want you to prepare for your stay here accordingly. Here are some expectations to review carefully. Please don’t hesitate to contact us if you have questions!
  • Appearance
    Christ gives us the liberty to exercise freedom in dress and appearance. However, many parents do not want their campers to do the same. Therefore, to avoid causing conflict between parents and their kids, we take a conservative approach in our dress, appearance and behavior. We limit our freedoms in order to impact the most kids and parents possible for Christ.
  • Staff Qualifications
    We are looking for quality young men and women who have a passion for the Great Commission of Christ and fit the description we have listed below. If you have any questions please email us at Thanks! Have the ability and desire to relate the love of Christ to kids and teens! Know Jesus Christ as Savior and be growing in Christ-likeness Love God and love others more than you love yourself Relate and work well with other college and high school staff Be able to sign Frontier Camp’s summer staff Doctrinal Statement Have a desire to serve and do ministry Be at least 18 years old for most Senior Staff positions Be at least 17 years old (strongly preferred) for Junior Staff positions Be at least 16 years old for Work Crew Have a strong work ethic and the heart to play hard
  • Staff Screening and Hiring
    We believe that the best way to protect our campers is by hiring the right staff members! The power of Christian camping resides in the young role-models that have a visible walk with the Lord living out their faith daily in front of your camper. Therefore, we are very thorough in the screening of all of our staff hires. The majority of our new staff come recommended by our former staff. This provides us with quality new staff applicants as we don’t often hire people unknown to the Frontier Camp family. Our application is extensive and we ask many personal questions about family history, social involvement, spiritual background, and moral beliefs. These questions are designed to screen out candidates that do not meet the standards we set for our staff. Each application is carefully read and reviewed by two full time staff. Each applicant has a personal interview with either an assistant director or director. Our interviewers are trained to look for “red flags” that include, but are not limited to any indication of dishonesty, odd behaviors, defense mechanisms, or potentially inappropriate lifestyle tendencies. All applicants must submit three references and a pastoral recommendation. These are verified by a personal phone call from one of our full-time staff involved in the hiring process. Applicants must also submit a Voluntary Disclosure statement, and all staff sign a Commitment to adhere to our Code of Conduct. Thorough national background checks are performed on all full-time and seasonal staff every year. We even go so far as to check social networking sites, such as Facebook, to be certain that our candidates conduct themselves appropriately even in their personal lives. Finally, our full-time staff and board regularly pray for the recruiting and hiring of our summer staff throughout the entire year.
  • Medical Safety
    We have a registered nurse onsite for each week of camp, who works with our full-time Healthcare Administrator and our college-aged Healthcare Assistants in administering medication, caring for illnesses, and treating injuries. The Healthcare Assistants receive a week-long medical training in addition to the standard staff training prior to the start of the summer. Frontier Camp has two centrally located on-site infirmaries, the Estella Brown Infirmary at Junior Camp, and the Fossil Creek Infirmary at Teen Camp, to care for campers during their camp week. Each infirmary has a clinic room for treatment along with patient rooms in the back for longer stays. Our healthcare staff are on duty 24 hours a day and are accessible from anywhere on camp. In the case of an emergency, our camp doctor is on call 24 hours a day. When necessary, campers will be transported to an off campus medical center. The closest medical center is in Crockett, approximately 20 minutes from camp. Our healthcare staff administer all medications to campers and minor staff members. We do not allow medications to be kept outside the infirmary except for rescue inhalers and epi-pens, with staff permission. All medications must be turned in during check-in on the Sunday of each camp session. Medications brought to camp must meet the following criteria: In the ORIGINAL CONTAINER (Loose pills, multiple medications in one container, or medications in pill sorters will NOT be accepted. This is a state regulation and we cannot make any exceptions to it.) If a prescription, must be prescribed to the camper Not expired In a zipper plastic bag with the camper’s name on it For camp purposes, we classify medications as any pill, liquid, ointment, or substance used to maintain health or used to treat or prevent illness or injury. This includes vitamins, essential oils, dietary supplements, and non-prescription medications. Standard over-the-counter medications are kept on hand at all times and are given at the discretion of the camp healthcare staff. The camp healthcare staff or other camp staff member will contact you in the case of: An accident or illness requiring the attention of non-camp medical personnel (such as an EMT, or clinic visit). Any accident or illness requiring an overnight stay in the infirmary. Any incident in which a camper has a fever of 100 degrees or more that lingers over three hours or multiple vomiting. Any accident or illness for which the Healthcare staff deems a call to the parent or guardian to be in the best interest of the camper or parent. Drinking water is available at every activity location and camp staff encourage campers to drink water throughout the day. We also provide ear drops for campers after swimming in the lake to help prevent ear infections, and staff are always available to assist in applying sunscreen if needed. Finally, access to a hand washing sink or hand sanitizer is provided prior to every meal. Due to the already large amount of medication managed during a camp week by our healthcare staff, we highly encourage our camper families to leave all non-prescription medications, other than allergy medicine, at home for the week. This includes essential oils and vitamin supplements – we do not administer these to campers. We are well stocked with everything else that your camper might need. Save the hassle of packing the rest (and the space in your luggage!) Camper medications will be given out at mealtimes from breakfast on Monday through breakfast on Saturday, and bedtimes beginning on Sunday night. If your camper takes dinner medication, please make sure to give them their dinner meds before you leave camp on Sunday, as we do not give out medication at Sunday dinner. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions about our healthcare services.
  • Food Safety
    When campers consistently list the food as one of their favorite things about camp you must be doing something right! And our kitchen staff sure is! We serve three nutritionally balanced meals a day, and many of our breads and desserts are homemade, which keep kids coming back for more! In addition to the meal served, our salad bar/breakfast bar contains a variety of items, including fresh fruits and vegetables. Frontier Camp’s kitchens are regulated by the Texas Department of State Health Services in the same way public restaurants are regulated, and all kitchen staff go through a Food Safety and Sanitation training before the summer begins. We are conscious of the ingredients in all our meals as it pertains to allergens. Here at Frontier Camp, we strive for great customer service. Through our Food Service Department, we will attempt to serve guests with dietary restrictions, but we cannot guarantee to cater to food preferences. Menu alternatives can be provided in the case of severe allergies. Please contact the Food Service Director at or (936)544-3206 x106 for more information.
  • Inclement Weather Safety
    Weather conditions are monitored by fulltime camp staff. In the event of inclement weather at Frontier Camp, all activity and counseling staff are trained in the emergency procedures including sheltering areas and safety precautions. Policies have been set to ensure safety for the campers during these times, but even when normal camp activities have to stop, our staff are trained to make sure the fun doesn’t have to end! Numerous indoor activities are stored up for use in these occasions to help keep the campers’ minds off the weather and ensure their camp experience is the most fun possible. With cabin, team and individual games to play we’re sure you’ll have a ball—and just might find a new favorite camp game in the process! Lightening/Thunder: The most common weather issue at Frontier Camp is a thunderstorm. At the first sound of thunder, waterfront and ropes activities close immediately, as those are the highest risk. A thunder count is started and monitored by a program team member. Fifteen minutes must pass with no thunder or lightening in order to re-open the waterfronts and ropes course elements. Using lightning strike detectors to monitor the distance of the storm from the camp, the fulltime staff and program directors will determine if the other land activities are safe to continue or if all activities should shelter. Other Severe Weather: In the rare event of a tornado warning, the safest buildings have been identified and staff are trained to assemble and account for all campers in a timely manner.
  • Staff Training
    Once hired, all of our session staff are required to attend a week-long training at camp. This is a probationary period, and if we do not feel completely confident in a staffer’s ability to be an outstanding caregiver and role model for your child, we will not allow them to serve during the summer. Every staff member must complete sexual abuse training that focuses on prevention, recognition, and reporting before they arrive at Frontier Camp. During Staff Week, we train each staff member on our Child Protection Plan (CPP), including how to monitor interactions between staff members and those that are in their care. We conduct additional supervisory training for all of our leadership staff, and also provide a week-long certification training for specialized activity/recreation leaders. All of our session staff are CPR and first-aid certified. All the staff assigned to the waterfront hold Red Cross Lifeguarding certifications and are supervised by directors holding Red Cross lifeguard training certifications. Daily staff meetings are used to keep safety at the forefront of what we do at camp, and to re-emphasize pertinent training topics. If you have any more questions regarding our staff interviewing, screening, or selection process, please contact Matt Henderson, Director of Operations at (936)544-3206 x104 or Hans Meinardus, Executive Director at (936)544-3206 x103.
  • Water Safety
    In the summer of 2016, one of Frontier Camp’s lifeguards contracted a rare but fatal case of Primary Amoebic Meningitis (PAM). PAM is caused by Naelgeria fowleri 1, an amoeba commonly found in most all freshwater lakes in the southern US. According to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the only certain way to prevent a N. fowleri infection due to swimming is to refrain from water-related activities in warm freshwater. You cannot be infected with N. fowleri by drinking contaminated water, and the infection cannot spread from one person to another. For those of us who will continue to swim in freshwater lakes, personal actions to reduce the risk 1 of N. fowleri infection should focus on limiting the amount of water going up the nose. The CDC states that prevention actions could include the following: • Hold your nose shut, use nose clips, or keep your head above water when taking part in water-related activities in bodies of warm freshwater. • Avoid water-related activities in warm freshwater during periods of high water temperature. • Avoid digging in or stirring up the sediment while taking part in water-related activities in shallow, warm freshwater areas. Precautionary Measures: 1. Frontier Camp encourages parents to follow the recommendations of the CDC at their discretion. 2. Frontier Camp has replaced the shallow swimming area in Houston County Lake with a new chlorinated pool. Water activities will continue to be conducted in Lake Maverick at Fossil Creek and in the deeper waters of Houston County Lake. We monitor the recreational water quality of the lake waterfronts, and will close them if monitoring thresholds are exceeded. Note that our biological thresholds are more stringent than current regulatory standards for recreational water quality with which we are already in compliance. 3. In addition, parents will be given an “opt out” option in choosing lake waterfront activities for their camper(s). Campers allowed to participate in lake waterfront activities will be required to wear a visible armband designating parental permission to get into the lake. Lake access will be stringently monitored. 4. We have health monitoring protocols in place and have ready access via Air Ambulance Contract to the newly-approved life-saving drug Miltefosine, currently available at Cooks Children’s Hospital in Fort Worth. Note: 1. The risk of contracting N. fowleri while swimming has been reported as 7 cases per billion swimming episodes based on data from Florida, and is calculated as falling between 8.5 x 10-8 and ~1.0 x 10-9 at a concentration of 10 N. fowerli per liter from a modeling study in France. See Applied and Environmental Microbiology, July 2001 vol. 67 no. 7 2927-2931.
  • Activity Safety
    Activities at Frontier Camp are what provide so much of the “FUN” that camp is about! While all activities include some risk, it is our priority at Frontier Camp to minimize risk and provide a healthy summer camp environment for your child. Each specialized activity has at least one American Red Cross First Aid and CPR/AED certified staff member present at all times. All activity leaders go through extensive safety training and are tested by a supervisor in their skill proficiency, safety, equipment maintenance, and teaching ability. Additionally, our activity leaders undergo regular observations by supervisors and fulltime staff to evaluate their proficiency in leading, supervising, and enforcing safety regulations at their specified activity. Campers receive instruction before engaging in activities, and supervisory control is emphasized and maintained. Frontier Camp is accredited by the American Camping Association (ACA). As an ACA Accredited camp for over 30 years, Frontier Camp meets or exceeds comprehensive industry standards.Some specialized activities require additional training and safety precautions, outlined below. Waterfront Activities: All of our water activities are led by at least two certified lifeguards. Upon arrival at camp, all junior campers participate in a swim check to evaluate swimming ability in our pool. Any camper who shows difficulty or excessive exertion during the swim check will be required to wear an approved personal flotation device (PFD) when swimming in the deep end of pool. Teen campers, along with their parents, rate their swimming ability during check in. Lake waterfront activities (other than the designated swimming area of Lake Maverick) including all boating, the blob, water zip line, and wet willie slide require all participants, no matter the swimming ability, to wear life jackets, and these activities are supervised by lifeguard staff trained in the safety procedures related to those specific activities. Campers are required to wear specific helmets when wakeboarding or being towed on inflatables. Boat Drivers and Cable Lake Operators are certified lifeguards and undergo specific boat and cable driver training. This is a week-long training which includes showing proficiency in boat safety, driving, and towing campers. Additionally our boat drivers must have a Boaters Safety certification from Texas Parks and Wildlife or its equivalent. Equine Activities: All campers riding a horse are required to wear a helmet, both on trail rides as well as in the riding arenas. Our wranglers are trained in horse safety and managing kids on and around horses by our equine director. Additionally, they are trained in how to manage campers and horses if situations arise due to weather, misbehaving horses, etc. Challenge Course Activities: All of our challenge course activities are inspected annually by a professional challenge course company. Our full-time ropes course supervisor is certified as an ACCT Level 1 Challenge Course Practitioner, who trains and supervisors our part time staff. Additionally, regular logs are kept according to challenge course industry requirements as well as ACA standard requirements, and equipment is retired and replaced as needed. Equipment and safety checks occur daily by the operating staff prior to use. Campers participating in challenge course activities must wear a specific ropes course approved harness, helmet, and closed-toe shoes.
  • Camper Forms
    Five camp forms must be completed for each Teen Camper: the Camper Health Profile, Parent/Guardian Authorization Waiver (Release of Liability), Lakefront Permission Form, Camper Covenant, and Cabin Mate Request. These forms are completed after registration via your online camp account and are made available beginning in January of each year. Camper forms must be completed by the camper’s parent or legal guardian. All camper forms are due on or before May 1.
  • Medication
    All medications (prescription, non-prescription, and dietary supplements) must be administered by our health care staff. For more information on our health care staff and procedures click here. Camper medications will be turned in during drive-thru check-in on Sunday, so please have it ready to turn in when you pull up. All medications, including over-the-counter and non-prescription drugs, must be in the ORIGINAL CONTAINER and placed in a zip-lock bag labeled with the camper’s name. Prescribed medications must be prescribed to the camper and not expired. Loose pills, multiple medications in one container, or medications in pill sorters will NOT be accepted. This is a state regulation and we cannot make any exceptions to it.
  • Cabin Assignments
    As part of completing your camper forms, you will complete the Cabin Mate Request form, allowing you to request friends for your camper to bunk with. You may request up to 3 cabin mates, for a total of 4 campers per group. Please note that we only honor mutual (completely agreeing with each other) requests resulting in groups of no more than 4, so make sure to coordinate these choices carefully. If you list more than three names, only the first three listed will be considered. For friend groups larger than 4 campers, please have all the parents decide how to split the group, and ensure that those choices are reflected on each camper’s form. We assign campers to cabins by age. When assigning groups, we place a requested older camper with younger campers rather than a requested younger camper with older campers. Requests spanning more than 3 years in camper age separation require approval from a Camp Director.
  • Sibling Discount
    Frontier Camp offers a $75 off discount for second and additional children registered from the same immediate family (i.e. first child registered comes at full price, second and additional children receive discount). This discount is applied to the balance not the deposit.
  • Payment Plan
    Between September and January, we offer an optional monthly payment plan that allows you to divide your camper fee balance (not applicable for camper spending money) up into monthly payments. Payments are run on the last business day of every month.
  • What to Bring
    Download a complete, printable packing list below. Included in the Frontier Camp Code of Conduct is a dress code for a camper’s time at camp. These dress code policies help Frontier Camp create the best camping experience for everyone. Frontier Camp reserves the right to use discretion to ensure all campers are modestly dressed. Campers who are immodestly dressed at camp will be asked to change, so please keep the camp dress code in mind when packing clothes to bring to camp. Finally, before packing for camp, please view our packing tips below to help keep camp and your home safe from unwanted pests.
  • Camper Covenant and FC Code of Conduct
    Frontier Camp strives to create a fun, adventurous, and wholesome community that fosters Godly growth, respect, and unity among campers and staff. We require each camper and their parent/guardian to thoroughly read, understand, and abide by our Camp Covenant and the code of conduct as part of our Child Protection Plan. Parents, it is important to read and discuss the information in the Camper Covenant carefully with your camper(s). We consider your signature on this form as acceptance of responsibility for both the camper and parent to abide by these standards and to accept the consequences of non-compliance.
  • Lakefront Permission
    Frontier Camp’s water-based summer recreation opportunities include both pool (chlorinated) and fresh (lake) water. This form allows parents to opt their campers out of activities involving lake water (“all in” or “all out” due to the logistical challenge of managing multiple activities at 2 lakefronts). Frontier Camp will identify lake users with a swim bracelet to ensure accuracy in enforcing this parental directive.
  • Rodeo & Theme Night
    We invite all our campers to join our staff in dressing up in their best western duds on Thursday evening to enjoy the Frontier Camp rodeo! Then, on Friday evenings, our week culminates with a theme meal and evening event.
  • Cell Phone Policy & Camper Communication
    We do not permit campers to bring cell phones, tablets, or computers to camp – they represent a liability for the camp (and you the parent) that we do not accept. Communication (e.g. phone calls, texts, tweets, and updates) or the use of applications and games disrupts a camper’s daily activities and can hinder a camper from fully enjoying the camp environment and bonding with their cabin mates and fellow campers. We recognize our culture has become increasingly connected and see a week at camp as a wonderful opportunity for a camper to unplug from the pressures and draws of life that our always-connected society can bring. Moreover, experience proves that phone calls tend to increase homesickness. Therefore, we only allow camper’s to call home with a camp director’s approval for emergencies, camper behavioral concerns, or a situation in which a phone call home is deemed in the camper’s best interest. Don’t be alarmed if your child doesn’t call; just assume “no news is good news.” In the event of any type of emergency at camp, physical or otherwise, rest assured parents and/or guardians will be contacted promptly. In the event of a family emergency at home which requires the need to reach your camper, you will always be able to do that through our staff. See below for our emergency contact information.
  • Cancelations & Refunds
    In cases where a camper’s registration is canceled for medical reasons (upon a doctor’s order or for a communicable illness), the deposit, less an administrative fee of $40, will be refunded if the camper can not be accommodated in a subsequent week of camp. No deductions or refunds will be given for late arrivals or early departures. Campers who cancel prior to May 1 will be refunded any camper fee amount paid over and above the deposit. Campers who cancel after May 1 but at least two weeks prior to the start of the camp session will be refunded half of the camper fee if the camper’s account was paid in full at the time of cancelation AND we are able to fill their space from the waiting list. For campers canceling during this time frame whose accounts are not paid in full, the amount of a partial refund (if we are able to fill their space from the waiting list) will be at the discretion of the camp staff. Campers who cancel within two weeks of the start of their camp session will forfeit all fees paid and will not receive a refund. Frontier Camp reserves the right to dismiss any camper whose behavior is detrimental or harmful to self, other campers, or camp staff. Campers sent home for disciplinary reasons will not receive a refund and may be ineligible to return for future summers.
  • Emergency Numbers
    Frontier Camp Main Office: (936) 544-3206
  • Early Pick-Ups
    We discourage early pick-ups, as we do everything we can to make the check-out process as streamlined as possible. If picking up your camper during the standard check-out time is not possible, please contact to discuss your special circumstances. Early pick-ups will require an additional $25 administrative fee, and the Frontier Camp office must be notified of an early departure at least 48 hours in advance.
  • Tips & Gratuities
    Our motto is “Excellence in Christian Camping” and we seek to exemplify that in all aspects of our camp program. We hope we exceed your expectations in all that we do, but ask that you please refrain from giving our staff members tips or gratuities of any kind when you drop your child off, including cash or gift cards. If you would like to extend your appreciation to one of our staff members, a note of thanks or encouragement is always welcomed.
  • Quarry Store
    The Quarry Store is located on the second floor of the Quarry and is open to campers at various times during the camp week. We will have an outdoor “Mobile Store” set up on check-out day where parents can purchase FC shirts, hats, and more.
  • Social Media & Post-Camp Communication
    One of the hallmarks of our ministry is helping campers establish relationships with Biblical role models that will inspire and encourage them, supporting the work that parents are investing into the lives of their kids. We recognize that campers and counselors develop close trusting relationships with one another at camp, and that these relationships are healthy, wholesome and beneficial to campers and staff alike. We have strict standards that govern all interactions at camp to protect our campers and staff, and insure healthy relationships during camp. These extend outside of camp as well. We are aware that many campers will naturally want to keep in touch with their favorite counselors after camp, and that current technology and social networking capabilities facilitate this. It is our recommendation that you as parents be aware of your child’s interaction with communication technologies, and that you talk to your child about what contact information you will and will not allow them to exchange with camp staff members or other campers. In sharing contact information with a staff member or camper, you understand that you accept full responsibility for overseeing whatever contact occurs as a result. We want to partner with you, the parent, in keeping children safe by communicating our policy to you.
  • Insurance
    In order to keep Frontier Camp the best value in Christian Camping, we ask camper parents to provide proof of insurance coverage for your camper. Your insurance policy provides the protection needed in the event that your child is involved in an accident or illness requiring advanced medical care.
  • May 1 Deadline
    All camper fee balances must be paid in full on or before May 1 of the camp year. Registrations after May 1 will be required to pay in full at the time of registration.
  • Visiting Policy
    Personal visitors to camp during the camp week interrupt the camp schedule and can negatively impact campers, especially those struggling with homesickness. As such, we do not allow any personal visits to camp while camp is in session. We understand a week away from your camper can be difficult and seek to ease that burden through posting daily updates and pictures via your online parent account. If you have any concerns about your camper or the camp program, please do not hesitate to contact us.
  • Registration
    Camp registration will stay open until the camp week is full or up until the Wednesday before the week begins. The fastest and easiest way to register a camper is through our secure online registration system. You can also call the Frontier Camp office during office hours (Monday to Friday, 8:30 AM – 5:00 PM). Campers must be registered by their parent or legal guardian. Returning campers and their siblings may be registered for the next summer beginning the Friday of their camp week. Registration opens to the public on September 1. Teen Weeks are for campers aged 13 to 17. A camper’s age is determined by their age on September 1st of the camp year. Campers may attend a Teen Week at age 12 if they turn 13 before September 1st. Campers may attend a Teen Week at age 17 as long as they are not older than 17 at any point when they are at camp.
  • Lost Items
    Please mark all clothing and personal items with your child’s full first and last name and counsel them to keep up with their belongings during their week at camp. Frontier Camp does not take responsibility for recovering lost or misplaced items of clothing or equipment. We will place lost-and-found articles near the camp exits on Saturday mornings during check-out for parent perusal. You will be able to drive by these tables and take a look to see if you recognize anything that belongs to your camper. Missing items after the camp week should be reported to the office as soon as possible. Frontier Camp retains lost-and-found articles for two weeks after a camp week ends.
  • Session Changes
    You can change camp weeks (sessions) at any time, given space availability in the session the camper wishes to change to. Requests for session changes can be made by calling the camp office during office hours (Monday to Friday, 8:30 AM – 5:00 PM) or in writing by sending an email to Session changes cannot be made via your online camp account.
  • Arrival & Check-In
    Sunday camper check-in is a drive-thru event! Arrival times are staggered by last name as indicated below (if you are dropping off campers with different last names, choose a time slot that corresponds to one of their last names). Please do your best to arrive within your scheduled time frame in order to reduce car lines as much as possible. When you arrive at camp, you will be directed to our drive-thru check-in stations. Our staff will conduct an initial health screening at the first check-in station and then you will proceed to the second check-in station where your camper(s) will find out their cabin assignments and get their lakefront permission wristbands. This is also when you will drop off medications and letters/cards for your camper(s). After passing through the check-in stations, you will drive to Fossil Creek (Teen Camp) and/or Main Campus (Junior Camp) to take your camper(s) to their cabin(s), where you will meet their cabin counselors and drop their luggage on the cabin porch. Counselors will take care of getting campers’ belongings situated inside the cabin, as parents are not permitted to enter the cabins. Last Names A – D: 3:00 to 3:30 PM Last Names E – K: 3:30 to 4:00 PM Last Names L – R: 4:00 to 4:30 PM Last Names S – Z: 4:30 to 5:00 PM
  • Camp Store Money
    Every Teen Camper has an opportunity to visit the Quarry Store and Snack Shop on a daily basis. Campers make all purchases using their prepaid camp store account (cash is not allowed at camp). You may fund this account prior to camp via your online camp account. We will NOT take camp store deposits during check-in. Unused spending money will be refunded on the last day of camp. An average camp store account is $40 to $60.
  • Deposit
    Prior to May 1, a $200 deposit is required to register for a week of camp. This deposit is applied to the upcoming summer camp fee and is non-refundable and non-transferable to another camper or season. The deposit secures your camper’s spot in a given week of camp, and allows us to prepare camp for the arrival of your camper. Registrations after May 1 will be required to pay in full at the time of registration.
  • Letters & Packages
    Letters and cards are welcome! Campers really enjoy getting letters during their stay at camp! However, we do NOT accept packages for campers. That said, letters and cards are welcome! Campers really enjoy getting letters during their stay at camp! There are three ways you can mail letters to your camper: You may leave letters for your Teen Campers at the drive-thru check-in station. Please make sure you label your letters with the camper’s first and last name. In addition, we provide an email service through your camp parent account that allows you to send emails to your camper during their week. Please be aware there is a small fee associated with this service. Due to the active nature of camp, we do not provide email responses from campers. We also do not accept faxes for campers or emails through camp administration (i.e. emails may come through your camp account only). Finally, you can always send letters in the old fashion way through the United States Postal Service. There’s something about getting a letter through the “real mail” that’s always exciting for campers! Camper mail can be addressed to: Camper Name Camp Session (example: Teen Week 3) c/o Frontier Camp 131 Frontier Camp Rd. Grapeland, TX 75844
  • Financial Assistance
    Does Frontier Camp offer financial assistance for camp tuition? Yes, we have a scholarship program for families who otherwise would not be in a financial position to participate at Frontier Camp. If this describes your situation, we invite you to send an email to to request a scholarship application, specifying whether it is for summer camp or for a parent/child weekend. Once we receive your completed application back, our scholarship committee will review it and then get an answer back to you. Keep in mind we do not offer full scholarships as we have found that an experience at FC is a win/win if the family makes an investment financially to some degree.
  • Check-Out
    Camp will conclude with a Closing Ceremony on Saturday morning. Parents and guardians are encouraged to join us for a snapshot of their camper’s week before they head home! After the ceremony you will be released to go to your camper’s cabin to pick up their belongings. Your camper’s counselor will return any leftover store money along with medication, record that you have checked your camper out, and say their goodbyes. If you have additional campers, you will proceed to their cabins. For each camper you check out, the counselor will give you a card which you will give to the staffer at the exit gate to indicate you have officially checked out your camper. Junior Camp- 9:00 a.m. in the Chapel (Main Camp) Teen Camp- 10:00 a.m. in the Quarry (Fossil Creek) Written instructions signed by the parent or legal guardian must be received by the camp office by 5:00 PM Wednesday if someone else is picking up your camper. Frontier Camp may request a photo identification of those picking up campers. Note for parents/guardians with junior and teen campers: The Junior Camp Closing Ceremony will begin at 9 AM in the Main Camp Chapel. It will conclude with enough time for parents/guardians to pack up their junior campers and then attend the Teen Closing Ceremony at Fossil Creek at 10 AM.
  • Price
    The camper fee for summer 2025 Teen Weeks is $970 per week. This price is all inclusive, covering all housing, meals, recreation, and activities. Camper spending money for the Quarry Store and Snack Shop is separate from the camper fee and may be added to their account after registration.
  • Waiting List
    If there is no space available for a camp week, you may place your camper on the waiting list for that session at no charge. If you are adding your camper to a waitlist via your online camp account, your credit card information will be required, but no charges will be applied unless the camper is registered at a later date. Campers are called off the waiting list in the order they are placed on the list. You may not substitute another camper (including siblings), for a camper’s spot on the waiting list. We register numerous campers off waiting lists each summer, so we recommend you leave the desired camp week open on your camper’s summer schedule in the anticipation a spot may open up. If a spot does become available for your camper, we will contact you via email or phone. If we do not receive a response within 5 business days, we will remove your camper’s name from the waiting list. During the summer (May 15 through August 15), if we do not hear from you within 24 hours, we will remove your camper’s name from the waiting list.
  • Session Changes
    You can change camp weeks (sessions) at any time, given space availability in the session the camper wishes to change to. Requests for session changes can be made by calling the camp office during office hours (Monday to Friday, 8:30 AM – 5:00 PM) or in writing by sending an email to Session changes cannot be made via your online camp account.
  • Price
    The camper fee for summer 2025 Junior Weeks is $874 per week. This price is all inclusive, covering all housing, meals, recreation, and activities. Camper spending money for the General Store and Trading Post (snack shop) is separate from the camper fee and may be added to their account after registration.
  • Homesickness
    Homesickness affects all ages (including moms and dads)! Most new campers will exhibit some symptoms of homesickness during the first night away from home, and in almost every case, the cure comes with the first day of activity. Please do not become alarmed if you receive a homesick letter. Also, please choose your words carefully when writing or talking to your camper, especially as you depart. Comments about empty rooms, sad pets, and picking campers up early tend to stir up feelings of homesickness. If your camper becomes homesick, we will do our best to help them enjoy the camp week. Overcoming homesickness is an important part of child development, and we take it very seriously. We train our staff and plan our program in such a way as to avoid homesickness. However, there are a few children every summer who are unable to shake homesickness. (No more than five in 2000 campers go home early due to homesickness each summer). If your camper’s homesickness becomes severe and cannot be shaken, we will contact you. Please understand that, should you choose to remove your child from camp due to homesickness, you will not receive a refund.
  • May 1 Deadline
    All camper fee balances must be paid in full on or before May 1 of the camp year. Registrations after May 1 will be required to pay in full at the time of registration.
  • Early Pick-Ups
    We discourage early pick-ups, as we do everything we can to make the check-out process as streamlined as possible. If picking up your camper during the standard check-out time is not possible, please contact to discuss your special circumstances. Early pick-ups will require an additional $25 administrative fee, and the Frontier Camp office must be notified of an early departure at least 48 hours in advance.
  • Camper Forms
    Six camp forms must be completed for each Junior Camper: the Camper Health Profile, Parent/Guardian Authorization Waiver (Release of Liability), Camper Covenant, Lakefront Permission, Activity Class Preference, and Cabin Mate Request. These forms are completed after registration via your online camp account and are made available beginning in January of each year. Camper forms must be completed by the camper’s parent or legal guardian. All camper forms are due on or before May 1.
  • Emergency Numbers
    Frontier Camp Main Office: (936) 544-3206
  • General Store
    The General Store is located next to the Chapel and is open to campers at various times during the camp week. We will have an outdoor “Mobile Store” set up on check-out day where parents can purchase FC shirts, hats, and more.
  • Arrival and Check-In
    Sunday camper check-in is a drive-thru event! Arrival times are staggered by last name as indicated below (if you are dropping off campers with different last names, choose a time slot that corresponds to one of their last names). Please do your best to arrive within your scheduled time frame in order to reduce car lines as much as possible. When you arrive at camp, you will be directed to our drive-thru check-in stations. Our staff will conduct an initial health screening at the first check-in station and then you will proceed to the second check-in station where your camper(s) will find out their cabin assignments and get their lakefront permission wristbands. This is also when you will drop off medications and letters/cards for your camper(s). After passing through the check-in stations, you will drive to Fossil Creek (Teen Camp) and/or Main Campus (Junior Camp) to take your camper(s) to their cabin(s), where you will meet their cabin counselors, find out your camper’s assigned activity classes, and drop their luggage on the cabin porch. Counselors will take care of getting campers’ belongings situated inside the cabin, as parents are encouraged to not enter the cabins. Last Names S - Z: 3:00 to 3:30 PM Last Names A – D: 3:30 to 4:00 PM Last Names E – K: 4:00 to 4:30 PM Last Names L – R: 4:30 to 5:00 PM
  • Letters & Packages
    Letters and cards are welcome! Campers really enjoy getting letters during their stay at camp! However, we do NOT accept packages for campers. There are three ways you can mail letters/cards to your camper: You may leave letters for your Junior Campers at the drive-thru check-in station. Please make sure you label your letters with the camper’s first and last name. In addition, we provide an email service through your camp parent account that allows you to send emails to your camper during their week. Please be aware there is a small fee associated with this service. Due to the active nature of camp, we do not provide email responses from campers. We also do not accept faxes for campers or emails through camp administration (i.e. emails may come through your camp account only). Finally, you can always send letters in the old fashion way through the United States Postal Service. There’s something about getting a letter through the “real mail” that’s always exciting for campers! Camper mail can be addressed to: Camper Name Camp Session (example: Junior Week 3) c/o Frontier Camp 131 Frontier Camp Rd. Grapeland, TX 75844 Note that letters excessively talking about home life or how much you miss the camper can lead to homesickness, especially in younger campers and so such topics should be mentioned sparingly. Thank you for your help in this matter!
  • Rodeo & Theme Night
    We invite all our campers to join our staff in dressing up in their best western duds on Thursday evening to enjoy the Frontier Camp rodeo! Then, on Friday evenings, our week culminates with a theme meal and evening event. The theme changes every summer, and ties in to those wacky characters we’ve been watching in Bible drama all week!
  • Social Media & Post-Camp Communication
    One of the hallmarks of our ministry is helping campers establish relationships with Biblical role models that will inspire and encourage them, supporting the work that parents are investing into the lives of their kids. We recognize that campers and counselors develop close trusting relationships with one another at camp, and that these relationships are healthy, wholesome and beneficial to campers and staff alike. We have strict standards that govern all interactions at camp to protect our campers and staff, and insure healthy relationships during camp. These extend outside of camp as well. We are aware that many campers will naturally want to keep in touch with their favorite counselors after camp, and that current technology and social networking capabilities facilitate this. It is our recommendation that you as parents be aware of your child’s interaction with communication technologies, and that you talk to your child about what contact information you will and will not allow them to exchange with camp staff members or other campers. In sharing contact information with a staff member or camper, you understand that you accept full responsibility for overseeing whatever contact occurs as a result. We want to partner with you, the parent, in keeping children safe by communicating our policy to you.
  • Lost Items
    Please mark all clothing and personal items with your child’s full first and last name and counsel them to keep up with their belongings during their week at camp. Frontier Camp does not take responsibility for recovering lost or misplaced items of clothing or equipment. We will place lost-and-found articles near the camp exits on Saturday mornings during check-out for parent perusal. You will be able to drive by these tables and take a look to see if you recognize anything that belongs to your camper. Missing items after the camp week should be reported to the office as soon as possible. Frontier Camp retains lost-and-found articles for two weeks after a camp week ends.
  • Insurance
    In order to keep Frontier Camp the best value in Christian Camping, we ask camper parents to provide proof of insurance coverage for your camper. Your insurance policy provides the protection needed in the event that your child is involved in an accident or illness requiring advanced medical care.
  • Sibling Discount
    Frontier Camp offers a $75 off discount for second and additional children registered from the same immediate family (i.e. first child registered comes at full price, second and additional children receive discount). This discount is applied to the balance not the deposit.
  • Tips & Gratuities
    Our motto is “Excellence in Christian Camping” and we seek to exemplify that in all aspects of our camp program. We hope we exceed your expectations in all that we do, but ask that you please refrain from giving our staff members tips or gratuities of any kind when you drop your child off, including cash or gift cards. If you would like to extend your appreciation to one of our staff members, a note of thanks or encouragement is always welcomed.
  • Swim Check
    All Junior Campers take a swim check in the pool on Sunday afternoon after check-in. Once most of the campers for a cabin have arrived and moved in, the cabin heads down to the pool as a group for the swim check. The swim check consists of swimming approximately 20 yards. After each camper finishes the check, the lifeguards will give them a color-coded wrist band to be worn throughout the week, based on the campers’ swimming capability in the pool. Swim bands will be assigned based upon how comfortable the camper appears in the water, their body position, and the energy that is exerted when they are swimming. One band signifies that the camper needs to wear a personal floatation device (PFD) when in the deep side of the pool. The other band allows the camper to swim in the entire pool without the use of a PFD unless they so desire. If a camper is not satisfied with the outcome of the swim check, there will be an opportunity to re-check. To provide the campers with enough time to get comfortable in the pool, the re-check will take place on Wednesday afternoon before Bonus Activity Time. A re-check does not guarantee a change in their wrist band color.
  • Cell Phone Policy & Camper Communication
    We do not permit campers to bring cell phones, tablets, or computers to camp – they represent a liability for the camp (and you the parent) that we do not accept. Communication (e.g. phone calls, texts, tweets, and updates) or the use of applications and games disrupts a camper’s daily activities and can hinder a camper from fully enjoying the camp environment and bonding with their cabin mates and fellow campers. We recognize our culture has become increasingly connected and see a week at camp as a wonderful opportunity for a camper to unplug from the pressures and draws of life that our always-connected society can bring. Moreover, experience proves that phone calls tend to increase homesickness. Therefore, we only allow camper’s to call home with a camp director’s approval for emergencies, camper behavioral concerns, or a situation in which a phone call home is deemed in the camper’s best interest. Don’t be alarmed if your child doesn’t call; just assume “no news is good news.” In the event of any type of emergency at camp, physical or otherwise, rest assured parents and/or guardians will be contacted promptly. In the event of a family emergency at home which requires the need to reach your camper, you will always be able to do that through our staff. See below for our emergency contact information.
  • Check Out
    Camp will conclude with a Closing Ceremony on Saturday morning. Parents and guardians are encouraged to join us for a snapshot of their camper’s week before they head home! After the ceremony you will be released to go to your camper’s cabin to pick up their belongings. Your camper’s counselor will return any leftover store money along with medication, record that you have checked your camper out, and say their goodbyes. If you have additional campers, you will proceed to their cabins. For each camper you check out, the counselor will give you a card which you will give to the staffer at the exit gate to indicate you have officially checked out your camper. Junior Camp- 9:00 a.m. in the Chapel (Main Camp) Teen Camp- 10:00 a.m in the Quarry (Fossil Creek) Written instructions signed by the parent or legal guardian must be received by the camp office by 5:00 PM Wednesday if someone else is picking up your camper. Frontier Camp may request a photo identification of those picking up campers. Note for parents/guardians with junior and teen campers: The Junior Camp Closing Ceremony will begin at 9 AM in the Main Camp Chapel. It will conclude with enough time for parents/guardians to pack up their junior campers and then attend the Teen Closing Ceremony at Fossil Creek at 10 AM.
  • Lakefront Permission
    Frontier Camp’s water-based summer recreation opportunities include both pool (chlorinated) and fresh (lake) water. This form allows parents to opt their campers out of activities involving lake water (“all in” or “all out” due to the logistical challenge of managing multiple activities at 2 lakefronts). Frontier Camp will identify lake users with a swim bracelet to ensure accuracy in enforcing this parental directive. Please read and sign the form before filling out the Activity Class Preference Form.
  • What to Bring
    Download a complete, printable packing list below. Included in the Frontier Camp Code of Conduct is a dress code for a camper’s time at camp. These dress code policies help Frontier Camp create the best camping experience for everyone. Frontier Camp reserves the right to use discretion to ensure all campers are modestly dressed. Campers who are immodestly dressed at camp will be asked to change, so please keep the camp dress code in mind when packing clothes to bring to camp. Finally, before packing for camp, please view our packing tips below to help keep camp and your home safe from unwanted pests.
  • Waiting List
    If there is no space available for a camp week, you may place your camper on the waiting list for that session at no charge. If you are adding your camper to a waitlist via your online camp account, your credit card information will be required, but no charges will be applied unless the camper is registered at a later date. Campers are called off the waiting list in the order they are placed on the list. You may not substitute another camper (including siblings), for a camper’s spot on the waiting list. We register numerous campers off waiting lists each summer, so we recommend you leave the desired camp week open on your camper’s summer schedule in the anticipation a spot may open up. If a spot does become available for your camper, we will contact you via email or phone. If we do not receive a response within 5 business days, we will remove your camper’s name from the waiting list. During the summer (May 15 through August 15), if we do not hear from you within 24 hours, we will remove your camper’s name from the waiting list.
  • Financial Assistance
    Does Frontier Camp offer financial assistance for camp tuition? Yes, we have a scholarship program for families who otherwise would not be in a financial position to participate at Frontier Camp. If this describes your situation, we invite you to send an email to to request a scholarship application, specifying whether it is for summer camp or for a parent/child weekend. Once we receive your completed application back, our scholarship committee will review it and then get an answer back to you. Keep in mind we do not offer full scholarships as we have found that an experience at FC is a win/win if the family makes an investment financially to some degree.
  • Medication
    All medications (prescription, non-prescription, and dietary supplements) must be administered by our health care staff. For more information on our health care staff and procedures click here. Camper medications will be turned in during drive-thru check-in on Sunday, so please have it ready to turn in when you pull up. All medications, including over-the-counter and non-prescription drugs, must be in the ORIGINAL CONTAINER and placed in a zip-lock bag labeled with the camper’s name. Prescribed medications must be prescribed to the camper and not expired. Loose pills, multiple medications in one container, or medications in pill sorters will NOT be accepted. This is a state regulation and we cannot make any exceptions to it.
  • Camper Covenant and FC Code of Conduct
    Frontier Camp strives to create a fun, adventurous, and wholesome community that fosters Godly growth, respect, and unity among campers and staff. We require each camper and their parent/guardian to thoroughly read, understand, and abide by our Camp Covenant and the code of conduct as part of our Child Protection Plan. Parents, it is important to read and discuss the information in the Camper Covenant below carefully with your camper(s). We consider your signature on this form as acceptance of responsibility for both the camper and parent to abide by these standards and to accept the consequences of non-compliance.
  • Cancelations & Refunds
    In cases where a camper’s registration is canceled for medical reasons (upon a doctor’s order or for a communicable illness), the deposit, less an administrative fee of $40, will be refunded if the camper can not be accommodated in a subsequent week of camp. No deductions or refunds will be given for late arrivals or early departures. Campers who cancel prior to May 1 will be refunded any camper fee amount paid over and above the deposit. Campers who cancel after May 1 but at least two weeks prior to the start of the camp session will be refunded half of the camper fee if the camper’s account was paid in full at the time of cancellation AND we are able to fill their space from the waiting list. For campers canceling during this time frame whose accounts are not paid in full, the amount of a partial refund (if we are able to fill their space from the waiting list) will be at the discretion of the camp staff. Campers who cancel within two weeks of the start of their camp session will forfeit all fees paid and will not receive a refund. Frontier Camp reserves the right to dismiss any camper whose behavior is detrimental or harmful to self, other campers, or camp staff. Campers sent home for disciplinary reasons will not receive a refund and may be ineligible to return for future summers.
  • Camp Store Money
    Every Junior Camper has an opportunity to visit the Trading Post (snack shop) twice a day. In addition, every camper will have the opportunity to visit the General Store to shop for FC gear at least once during the week. Campers make all purchases using their prepaid camp store account (cash is not allowed at camp). You may fund this account prior to camp via your online camp account. We will NOT take camp store deposits during check-in. Unused spending money will be refunded on the last day of camp. An average camp store account is $40 to $60.
  • Visiting Policy
    Personal visitors to camp during the camp week interrupt the camp schedule and can negatively impact campers, especially those struggling with homesickness. As such, we do not allow any personal visits to camp while camp is in session. We understand a week away from your camper can be difficult and seek to ease that burden through posting daily updates and pictures via your online parent account. If you have any concerns about your camper or the camp program, please do not hesitate to contact us.
  • Cabin Assignments
    As part of completing your camper forms, you will complete the Cabin Mate Request form, allowing you to request friends for your camper to bunk with. You may request up to 3 cabin mates, for a total of 4 campers per group. Please note that we only honor mutual (completely agreeing with each other) requests resulting in groups of no more than 4, so make sure to coordinate these choices carefully. If you list more than three names, only the first three listed will be considered. For friend groups larger than 4 campers, please have all the parents decide how to split the group, and ensure that those choices are reflected on each camper’s form. We assign campers to cabins by age. When assigning groups, we place a requested older camper with younger campers rather than a requested younger camper with older campers. Requests spanning more than 3 years in camper age separation require approval from a Camp Director.
  • Registration
    Camp registration will stay open until the camp week is full or up until the Wednesday before the week begins. The fastest and easiest way to register a camper is through our secure online registration system. You can also call the Frontier Camp office during office hours (Monday to Friday, 8:30 AM – 5:00 PM). Campers must be registered by their parent or legal guardian. Returning campers and their siblings may be registered for the next summer beginning the Friday of their camp week. Registration opens to the public on September 1. Junior Weeks are for campers aged 7 to 12. A camper’s age is determined by their age on the first day of the camp week and all campers must be 7 or older by the Sunday of the camp week they are attending. Campers may attend a Junior Week at age 13 as long as they are not older than 13 at any point when they are at camp. We have a very active program and therefore do not allow Junior Campers to attend two consecutive weeks of camp.
  • Payment Plan
    Between September and January, we offer an optional monthly payment plan that allows you to divide your camper fee balance (not applicable for camper spending money) up into monthly payments. Payments are run on the last business day of every month.
  • Activity Skill Class Assignments
    As part of completing your camper forms, you will complete the Activity Class Preference form. This form allows you to request your camper’s top four activity choices and two alternates. The preference order you choose does not determine when during the day your child will have a certain activity. Furthermore, because activities are assigned using a computer algorithm, designed to allow the maximum number of campers to receive their top activity preferences, we cannot ensure that cabin mates and friends will have activity classes together; so choose based on interest, not friends. Activity periods take up less than four hours of the camp day, so there is plenty of time for fellowship with friends during the camp week. Classes are filled according to the date of registration, not the date the Activity Class Preference form is received, given all of a camper’s forms are received by May 1. Activity assignments are not disclosed prior to check-in on the Sunday of your camp week.
  • Deposit
    Prior to May 1, a $200 deposit is required to register for a week of camp. This deposit is applied to the upcoming summer camp fee and is non-refundable and non-transferable to another camper or season. The deposit secures your camper’s spot in a given week of camp, and allows us to prepare camp for the arrival of your camper. Registrations after May 1 will be required to pay in full at the time of registration.
  • When does Timothy Week end?
    Check-out will begin at 2:30 P.M. on Thursday August 11, 2022. Moms/guardians will be able load up their campers and head home. All campers must be picked up no later than 3:30 PM on Thursday.
  • What is the cost?
    FREE! Actually, the cost of this camp week is $586 per camper, but Psalm68five Ministries and other generous friends have partnered with Frontier Camp and graciously provided full scholarships for eligible campers to attend Timothy Week! If you’d like to become a partner, contact to find out how you can help kids get to Timothy Week.
  • When does Timothy Week start and how does my camper get to camp?
    Timothy Week will begin with check-in from 4:00 PM – 5:00 PM at Frontier Camp on Sunday August 7, 2022. Moms/guardians are responsible for coordinating/providing transportation to and from camp for their camper(s).
  • Is there anything for moms?
    We love having campers here at Timothy Week! And we love moms, too! Being a mom is hard; being a single mom is even more challenging. But God is always with us! We understand the importance of relationship. Relationship with God and relationship with others. That’s why we have a special time just for moms during Timothy Week! 1 Thessalonians 5:11 says “encourage one another and build each other up.” Our prayer is that you leave refreshed, encouraged, and empowered with tools to navigate single motherhood to help you better walk in the power you have as a mom! So join us on Thursday before you pick up your camper! Come connect with other single moms and enjoy lunch, friendship, and fun!
  • How do I register/sign up?
    In order to begin the registration process for your camper(s), you will need to submit an online Timothy Week Application (applications will open mid-spring). We will review your application and notify you whether or not it has been accepted. If you application is accepted, we will finalize your camper’s registration and send you information on how to set up and access your online camper parent account.
  • Does my camper need to bring spending money? If so, how much?
    Yes, if they would like to, campers may bring spending money to use in the camp snack shop during the week. We recommend between $10-$30 per camper for the week. Money is turned in at check-in and campers make all purchases using their prepaid camp store account (cash is not allowed at camp). We can accept cash or check (made out to Frontier Camp) for spending money.
  • Who qualifies?
    Boys and girls ages 8-15 who are growing up without a father in their lives. Their father may have passed away, been incarcerated or may have abandoned the family. Children who are currently in foster care also qualify. While our heart goes out to children of divorced parents, the Timothy Week scholarship is not specified for them, unless they have very little or no contact with their father. Note: if your child is in a home where a divorce has occurred and financial resources are limited, please contact the camp to determine whether other camp scholarship funds may be available. We have a scholarship program for families who otherwise would not be in a financial position to participate at Frontier Camp. If this describes your situation, we invite you to send an email to to request a scholarship application, specifying whether it is for summer camp or for a parent/child weekend. Once we receive your completed application back, our scholarship committee will review it and then get an answer back to you. Keep in mind we do not offer full scholarships as we have found that an experience at FC is a win/win if the family makes an investment financially to some degree.
  • Session 1: June 1 - July 5
    Week 1: June 1 - 7 Week 2: June 9 - 13 (Angel Tree Week) Week 3: June 15 - 21 Week 4: June 22 - 28 Week 5 & Staff Training 2: June 29 - July 5
  • Arrival Times
    Arrival times for specialized trainings (Leadership, Lifeguard, CPR/First Aid, and Senior Staff) will be communicated via email. Staff Training 1 & 2: Check in between 4:00-6:00 PM on Sunday Work Crew Staff: On the first day of your Work Term, meet at the Dining Hall between 1:30-2:00 PM to check in
  • Work Crew Terms
    Work Term 1 Week 1: June 1 – 7 Week 2: June 9 – 13 (Angel Tree) Week 3: June 15 – 21 Work Term 2 Week 4: June 22 – 28 Week 5: June 29 - July 5 Week 6: July 6 - 12 Work Term 3 Week 7: July 13 – 19 Week 8: July 20 - 26 Week 9: July 27 - Aug 2
  • Staff Appreciation
    Frontier Camp will host an End-of-Summer Staff Event to show our appreciation for all summer staff (both session and work crew staff). The time and date is to be determined. All summer 2025 summer staff in good standing will be invited.
  • Session 2: July 6 - August 7
    Week 6: July 6 - 12 Week 7: July 13 - 19 Week 8: July 20 - 26 Week 9: July 27 - August 2 (Midsouth Rental Group) Week 10: Aug 3 - 7 (Timothy Week)
  • Staff Training
    Leadership Training: May 11 – 16 Senior Staff Training: May 20 – 24 All Staff Training: May 25 – May 31 Staff Training 2: June 29 – July 5
  • Junior Camp Staff Sample Daily Schedule
    7:40 - Staff Meeting 8:15 - Flagpole 8:50 - Breakfast 9:15 - Cabin Clean-Up 10:15 - Lead Activity Skill Classes 12:30 - Lunch 1:00 - Rest Time 1:45 - Bible Exploration/Counselor Chapel/Time-Off 2:45 - Trading Post 3:15 - Lead Activity Skill Classes 5:15 - Lead Bonus Activity Time 6:30 - Dinner 7:15 Evening Activity 8:15 - Campfire 9:30 - Showers and Lead Evening Devotions
  • General Information
    Session Staff positions – Frontier Camp offers the ability to serve for at least 5 weeks of camp, or roughly half the summer. There are 2 Sessions from which to choose, offering the flexibility in your summer schedule to also take summer classes or go on mission or family trips. You can also apply to work both Sessions, if desired. Staff (except for Work Crew) will be required to attend Staff Training Week(s) prior to the first camp week of your Session. For more information regarding our camp Sessions, please email Dusty Stone at Work Crew positions – We offer 3-Week Work Terms. Work Crew members do not attend Staff Training Weeks. They will receive their training during their work term. Staff Trainings Leadership Training – Required for all leadership positions. (Some or all of this training will be done online before arrival at camp.) Senior Staff Training – This week, either the full week or portions of it, will be required for positions that require additional certifications such as (but not limited to) Lifeguard Trainings, CPR/AED & First Aid, Healthcare Assistant, Boat Driver Training, Cable Operator Training, Ropes Course Training, and some others as well. Senior Staff Training will be the week prior to Staff Week 1. (Some or all of this training will be done online before arrival at camp.) Staff Training – We will offer two separate, independent weeks of Staff Training (All Staff Training & Staff Training 2). Please note that Boat Driver Training and Challenge Course Training will only be offered during Senior Staff Training (prior to All Staff Training).
  • Teen Camp Staff Sample Daily Schedule
    8:50 - Staff Meeting 9:00 - Breakfast 9:40 - Cabin Clean-Up and Personal Bible Study 10:30 - Lead Morning Recreation 12:30 - Lunch 1:15 - Cabin Time 1:45 - Worship 2:10 - Seminars/Counselor Bible Study/Wreck-it 3:15 - Lead Afternoon Recreation 6:30 - Dinner 7:15 - Evening Recreation 8:30 - Campfire 9:30 - Overtime or Night Game 10:30 - Showers and Lead Evening Devotions


4:00 Check-In, Move in, Cabin Time 
5:30 Orientation
6:30 Cookout Supper
8:00 Campfire
9:20 Head to Bed

Monday – Wednesday
8:40 Flagpole
9:00 Breakfast
9:40 Morning Devotions
10:15 Morning Recreation
12:30 Lunch
1:45 Session 2
2:45 Quarry Time
3:15 Afternoon Recreation
6:30 Supper
7:15 Evening Activity
8:30 Campfire
9:20 Overtime
9:50 Cabin Devotions
10:30 Lights Out

8:40 Flagpole
9:00 Breakfast
9:40 Morning Devotions
10:15 Camp-wide Activity
11:30 Session 5
12:30 Lunch and Award Ceremony
1:30 Pack-up
2:30 Closing Ceremony

Anchor 1


• Horseback riding
• Riflery
• Archery
• Waterskiing
• Wakeboarding
• Tomahawk Throwing
• Basketball
• Swimming
• Blobbing
• Waterslides
• Laser Tag
• Arrow Tag
• Crafts
• Ropes Course
• Dodgeball
• Soccer
• Pit Ball

Please note, not all activities offered during a traditional Junior Camp or Teen Camp will be offered during Timothy Week. In addition, there will be several activities unique to Timothy Week each summer!


If you know of a fatherless child that would benefit from Timothy Week, you can register them here [registrations open in Spring].  If you want to help us financially by sponsoring a Timothy Week camper, you can give here

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